
Sad thing is that the HR in this case wasn’t there to save the company from completely falling on it’s face and looking foolish. Between the 2020 allegations and everything going on now, the HR and the leadership failed the employees, the fans, and the company in general.

In a well-run company with competent HR, HR’s mission to protect the company means it will act on complaints and get rid of employees who are racist and otherwise problems, because those employees put the company at serious legal risk (not to mention causing turnover and loss of morale).

Yep 20 years in the corporate world and the two things I learned are

This department doesn’t have the effectively de-humanizing title “human resources” just for fun.

Learned this the hard way early in my career. I asked HR a question thinking it was confidential and the next thing I knew, my boss was calling me about it.

Never again. 

The greatest trick HR ever pulled was convincing employees it was there for them.

sure... I guess what im saying is just that the P1800 shouldnt be rolled in to the same category as other cars which have only rolled a measly one-million miles. (yes theres a little sarcasm in there).

I checked my notes; three million is in fact “over one million.”

I’d let that baby shit in my driveway. 

My first vehicle was dubbed “baby shit yellow” by my sister.

Indeed.  Can’t think of too many other reasons why one would venture there intentionally.

A couple years ago, I became a NMS billionaire the “hard”/slow way - I manually mined a crap-load of cobalt, sold it a Space Station (which then crashes the local economy purchase price by about 80%) then bought it all back at less than I sold it for. I’d then spend 30 minutes or so buying more cobalt a few hundred at

There’s a worrying lack of perspective on this in some of the subreddit comments too. There are people very bitter that their ships have been nerfed and now they have “years of hard work wasted”.

I like the idea of exploring the galaxy and finding abandoned factories/mines from a past boom.

“insanely hard work”

Upper Level Capitalism in a nutshell, bay-bee!

The mines I built were more an exercise in what could I generate than what I needed to generate.”

I also like the marketing. It’s a better version of cruise control. As a driver that has used cruise control for 30+ years, I know what that means. The car does stuff, but I have to pay attention, because sometimes the car is stupid.

Good Lord, I’m going to praise GM...

my dude, that’s just a left turn .. who the fuck dreads that other than people who dread about a bajillion other things one routinely does while driving?