
There’s a lot going on in that .gif, including the near total loss of an entire island nation, but my first reaction was that it looks like a necrotizing disease attacking a vulnerable appendage.

Liberal voters fleeing the coasts need to go back to the flyoverland states they originally fled to the coasts from. It might be the only way to break the GOP’s stranglehold on US politics.

A single square kilometer filled with locusts can consume as much as 35,000 people in one day

I understand that it is a bit of fear mongering, but when China shuts down cities like this (especially during their biggest holiday), I doubt we are hearing everything. With a new virus like this that is newly mutated, we have no idea what the actual fatality rate is until it has been some time. SARS had a fatality

Well...when you are Winnie the Poo its a short dump to Mr. Shithole

It’s more ESO and they will find a way to snake into our wallets and you know what? I’m loving it. ESO has been a breath of fresh air in this current stale RPG environment. Simply the best MMO out in the market today. So if you are not onboard.... look into it. Your mileage may vary.

It’s the crossover effect of all of the Texas immigrants who drive their F-250s all over downtown even though most parking is for Mini Coopers and all of the students raised in Boulder who have the street-crossing habits of Canadian Geese. That thousands haven't been killed already is a miracle. 

Speaking of which, I cannot wait for some company to just dump a couple thousand wifi-connected bowling balls all over Manhattan. BOWL AT YOUR LEISURE

And articles like this help me make an informed decision about which developers I support.

I disagree with including the Aral Sea, as it’s not attributable to climate change, but to grotesque Soviet mismanagement of the watershed.

The core was made of handwavium obviously.

I’m hoping for the best, although it’s generally a good idea to be cautious about reported battery breakthroughs. A lot of battery tech seems really promising in small amounts in lab conditions, but struggles to translate to the type of robust system that could actually survive the conditions of being in a car for

I read that whole quote. I’m pretty sure I lost 10 IQ points as a result.

To be fair, Hillary Clinton said she was a Republican tool and The Fing New York Times “accidentally” said Russian, because for some unknown, completely innocent reason, they manage to misquote Hillary Clinton a LOT. HC also said a female Democratic candidate and didn’t name any names. However, for some (unknown,

Starting this convo with a fuck Tulsi Gabbard.

Off the top of my head, say good-bye to ever pressing L3 or R3 again.

My immediate thought was that I won’t ever have to push in the left stick again to sprint.

It’s enough to add Pluto!

Make sure you hit them directly or they will made into Unitarians.