
Agreed. It’s not like the first time something like this has happened...

Riding an Acela after riding a European train is a good way to realize what a mess our trail system is. Giving those things pointy noses makes as much sense as sticking a monster rear wing on an old piece of crap economy car - it will only matter in your dreams.

You’d think the lesson would have sunk in after the whole ISIS Texas plumber’s truck issue. Yes, the sales contract says the new owner ought to do it, but if the seller thinks it is too expensive to be worth it then what are the odds the buyer isn’t also as cheap? If you sell something with your name on it, assume

“It’s unclear why the company has refused to repaint the buses”. They have a rainbow logo and a company name. In my mind it’s 100% clear why nothing was done. Dig deep enough, and I bet you will find that the Houston-based company has ties to Abbot. And probably not too deeply buried, either. I predict Six Degrees of

Man, how many times do people need to repeat this - If you sell it, take your name off it. You never know how the next person is going to use it.

I feel like Quiznos would have died off anyway. Their food tasted pre-chewed.

You should’ve also posted a pic of Joey wearing all the Porsche paraphernalia. :D

Sadly... yes.

I could go to the gas station and buy sub ingredients or find something close. Then let it sit in my car for a week. After that I can assemble a sub and it would be better than subway.

True if you only care about short term inflation. Our environment collapsing is going to cause inflation at a catastrophic level if we don’t get our shit together.

“We have 90,000 people in line to get a Hummer.”

An established profitable company earns billions and earns a little less profit for one quarter and investors want heads to roll, Uber burns through billions for a decade with no clear end in sight and they keep throwing money into the fire.

My man. Don’t worry.

Need a Ram for a weekend? No problem. Hauling the kids around for school? Here, have a Pacifica. Want to look like the coolest guy at your local Sheetz parking lot? Wrangler, coming right up. It’s a neat idea on the face of it.

I fall under number 2 when I rent a car 90% of the time. I also see a lot more hotels with chargers in the parking lot these days. I think you’ll see more people get comfortable with an EV after having one for a rental like that. 

Ohm my god, I resist getting watt on earth joule currently mean.

It depends on the resolution of the monitors people use. A lot of people are upgrading to 4k monitors. 4k will use every bit of performance the 4090 will give.

In 2004, roughly 85% of the US market for consumer televisions was made up of cathode ray tube devices. By 2008, CRT’s made up less than 50% of the sales of new televisions; by 2011 they were effectively no longer sold. According to a Bloomberg analysis, 2017 was the peak year of production for internal combustion

Well two thoughts.

I’d be mildly surprised if Uber still exists in 2030.