
Pardon me, but do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior?

I’ve never found telling the truth to be that “cumbersome”, but then again, I’ve never tried to rip people off selling cars, so I might not be the best judge.  

That “ Dark Horse” logo looks like a mule.

Ah yes since we’ve exhausted exploiting the people already here, so lets bring in more

Well... given that line of thinking, if we make the pay of some “classes” of people to be very low, would that lower prices?

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” - Frank Wilhoit

Lucky for me, because it requires a small amount of cooperation on the part of the state to receive federal funding, our dumbass governor and legislature will reject it outright.

Or park giant trucks with gianter trucknutz in front of them.

1st gear: I can’t wait for law-and-order regressives to vandalize and destroy charging stations to ‘own the libs’ or whatever.

Because a TV show host being able to actually give a whole audience of people cars was, and still is, a crazy stunt that had been ramping up over time. It also cannot be stated how big Oprah was at the time at the apex of the daytime talk show and before entertainment became generally balkanized. 

...or a hot dog and a beer, at stadium prices.

Hot take, if you buy the cheapest flight “because it’s the only one you can afford”, 1) the airlines don’t care the reason, 2) maybe you should drive or get more money.

$10 for coach plus!? I just checked Delta for one flight and their ‘coach plus’ upgrade is $190, or ~15% of the ticket price.

I don’t know what other people’s experience is with business travel, but if I so much as book a flight and pay $2 extra to get the seats assigned during booking, I get in massive trouble. This “get the cheapest seat available, even if it includes duct tape to the wing” is been the business policy at every place I’ve

I was gonna say, the truffle interior looks like one of those YouTube detailing videos where they showcase absolutely vile interiors that they try to clean back to normal.

“Crossover” has nothing to do with size. It has to do with how it’s built. Also, I think the larger grille is making you think the car itself is larger than it really is.

Cost-Plus Incentives: If I guaranteed to pay you $1.10 for every dollar you spent on your car, I bet you’d spend a whole lotta money.

“pricing has not been announced”  They have to wait until they print new numbers because ours don’t go high enough.

My immediate film-association with Carol Kane involves a little more makeup.