
There is a standard charger, there is no need for adapters. CCS1 is used for everything except the Leaf and Tesla. Chademo is still kicking around but for maybe 2 more years and all of the Chademo stations have CCS1. People buying Teslas won’t be confused on what to use.

It’s not app based or paying with your phone, at almost all of the stations you can pay by tapping your credit card. They also have an ISO standard they are implementing plug and charge so you set it up and you can just plug the car in and charge it and then charge your card with no interaction beyond plugging in the

By the time we hear news of the Model S being redesigned, it’ll make the Nissan Frontier look like a spring chicken. The Cybertruck is a waste of resources better used towards improving manufacturing processes and making sure Tesla is ready to take advantage of changes in technology. Ford has a real EV pickup that

The article was complete bunk. It’s as if the author intended to make the trip take forever. They didn’t use abetterrouteplanner or, from what I gather, even the car’s own Nav to plot their course. No one in an EV stops at dealerships to charge up.

Alternatively, the guys from Aging Wheels and Technology connections just did a nearly cross country trip and had no issues. Highlighting articles like this serve no one.

They don’t need to be on the same platform to be cross shopped. The number one variable used to cross shop is price. With the A5 only about 3K more expensive base to base.

Why this car was ever green-lit for the US market is mystifying, continuing VW’s long legacy of bizarre sales-failure product decisions here [...]”

Like, a dozen more, over a full year. Though those would probably just have cannibalized the sedan sales.

There are literal active war zones that have a lower mortality rate than parts of Conservative America. There are 3rd world countries with higher quality of living that parts of Conservative America.

I’m not mad. I just note that you keep making up ridiculous barriers to owing an EV. Dismissing home charging is one such example.

Most people I’m guessing would be satisfied with similar performance to refueling with gas, 300-350 miles in 5-10 minutes.

“What’s this do?”

From a $/kJ perspective, electricity at $0.11/kWh (a typical midwestern rate after all the fees, taxes, etc) is exactly the same as gas at $4.03/gal. The unit of kJ (kilojoules) is a unit of energy.

Just wait until he moves that goalpost.

5 minutes to charge from 0 to 500 miles of range is insane and will not happen without, like, new physics, or directly tapping 12 kV transmission lines.

Go ahead and reply about how irrational you feel that is,”

Is your daily driving enough that you’d actually need to install a charger? We have an EV and PHEV and we have been managing fine for like 95% of the time just juggling a 110 connection.

I mean, yeah, it is nice to have a level 2, but if I remember the stats correctly, nearly half of commutes are like 35 miles or less.

I’m guessing if you did a survey in 1905 of why people weren’t trading in their horses for the new horseless carriages, you would have gotten similar responses.

Automakers making decisions we don’t like is not the same as those decisions not making sense. It seems pretty obvious to state this, but here we are.