
More like Flamborghini....

Diesel will never go above 5% market in the U.S. plug-in cars are likely to surpass diesel sales before the end of the decade.

I’m only 31 so ive always lived with diesel, I can’t really say... But i have lived many years in North america and I now live in Japan... It’s just as crowded, but I can breath A LOT better than in Paris. It’s actually great :)

Fuck diesel is the only thing I have to say... It’s not enough that it’s boring as hell to drive (and no, “torque” with low RPM and no power is NOT fun), but it also had to pollute...

That’s not untrue.

AMG GT buyers buide:
Have suitcase full of cash on yourself.
Ask for AMG GT.
Exchange cash for car.

“It Spans About 70 Acres Across”

I don’t know, we’re an app, not a restaurant.

I don’t have a dog in this fight, or an opinion about taxis vs. Uber. I’ve never used Uber, and I’ve ridden in cabs 5-10 times in my life. What I just don't understand is how making your customers lives miserable is supposed to convince everyone that you're worth protecting from competition. That's some seriously

My parents instilled upon me a need to regularly go through my home and remove clutter. They did this by... not exactly hoarding... but certainly ‘collecting’. I remember just a few years ago I went to visit them for the holidays, and the kitchen counter was so stacked with papers and other various items that we could

Honestly, you’re absolutely correct. You get what you pay for. A solid wood table is a great investment that will last for decades with minimal care.

I noticed something was off when they asked if I wanted P. coli de Gallo.

Right. You can’t buy that beautiful Lexus LS for the price of a Corolla LE without someone having first paid $75K for it.

Besides, I’ve owned both new and used cars. I can see the appeal of both. My current ride, I purchased new in April, my second new car...and I did purchase it the week it came out (though not on

I don’t like sitting in other people’s farts. I’m ok with paying for that luxury.

People seem to forget that each and every used car was purchased new at one point.

The only hard-and-fast rule is that you shouldn’t purchase a new car if you can’t comfortably afford it. But you shouldn’t purchase a pre-owned car if you can’t comfortably afford it, either.

You are going to pay a percent or two high financing cost on a used vehicle. Also, sometimes cars don’t depreciate to make financial sense to buy used.

Anyone whose argument boils down to “It’s Korean, so they’re shit” — and that’s a lot of people — needs to get out of their BMW 3 series and pay attention. The Genesis does have a way to go in terms of its mechanics, but the design and especially the interior in these cars are very, very nice.

Best sarcastic comment of the morning.