
All these military types have no idea what they are doing anymore. The wars of the future will be were the wards of today are: the middle east. And given the way things are going with ISIS they wont be as easy as the brass seems to think.

Can we stop calling multi-thousand page you-have-to-pass-it-to-read-it treaties “free trade” and call them what they are, managed trade for benefit of those with the most political influence.

Meg Ryan advertised these in Japan.

Obligatory post about Paul Moller and his Skycar fraud. Still 18 months away from going on sale since the late 1960’s ...

This concept was dumb twenty years ago and it’s dumb now. It’ll be dumb in twenty, fifty, a hundred more years. Flying cars would be a clusterfuck in nearly every way. I just.............don’t get the draw at all.

And unfortunately the only people who can fix it are already corrupt. Why would they pass a law to stop all these good things flowing their way?

The fact of the matter is that flying cars are indeed the personal transportation vehicle of the future...and they always will be.

Oh, it is. It’s just *legal* corruption.

double irony: through the good graces of the government, they are allowed to survive and thrive as monopolies. If they want to live in the free market...they should live in the free market, and not bitch and moan when their monopoly gets some competition.

2017, what? It’ll be here in 2018. If there’s one thing I know about flying cars it’s that they’ll be here in 3 years. They’ve been saying they’ll be here in 3 for 10 years and they’ll say it another 10 so you know it’s true and always will be, it’s the one constant of flying cars other than crashing

Some pocket lint and a 2-for-1 Golden Corral coupon.

Had to Google “third gen nissan quest interior”. It’s, uh, this.

Boston, which is a large northeastern city where people yell at each other.

That’s not double parking. This is double parking

I did this once as a teenager. I was driving a pontiac acadian. The entire movie theatre parking lot was full but there was one fancy ass sports car double parked (I don’t know what kind, I wasn’t into cars back then). After checking for spots twice me and my buddies decided to squeeze the car in next to it. It was so

Its weird but whenever that happens to me, I’m somehow unable to squeeze my keys back into my pocket while trying to fit between that jackass’s parking job and their car gets hella scratched up with my efforts to avoid damaging their car.

You are a fucking unicorn.

I think what’s even worse is that he openly admitted to the cops that he smashed the guys mirror. That just proves that the guy is a self-absorbed jackass who actually thought he was LEGALLY justified in doing this.

Holy fucking shit, why is it always a BMW?

It’s named that way because it will eat your baby. (And spit it out at the end of your drive.)