
Crouching Mazda, flying Car.

Savage + accurate = SAVAGE

BRZ sux bro, Accord mommy-mobile is faster lolololol

I think you meant “see you at the Crosstour”


Maybe you could start a sloth movement. It would be like hypermiling but instead of aiming to maximise fuel economy its purpose would be encourage people to just, you know, relaaaax and realise that jumping a queue to merge, refusing to let someone change lanes or tailgating actually makes no real damn difference to

Slow down and relax.

Sloths are everywhere!

since it for charity maybe jalopnik can make a bid kristin, if your successful that can become your new company car.

Damn, they’re all WR blue!!

That blue is fucking amazing.

My black friend recently got pulled over in his Porsche 911 and the first question he was asked was, “Is this your car?” SMH

The thought stemmed from a little mental exercise... wore some shoes.

he and his colleagues were grateful to the Oakland Police Department for allowing them to study the departments bodycam footage

This is great timing. Look what I’ve barely managed to fit on our tiny trailer today:

I think it’s relative based on situation. I have friends who are a married couple and when they were expecting their first, they wanted a Ford Escape, brand new (this was in 2013). Their budget was about 28k but after looking at all the trims and what not they just said F it and went for the Titanium maxxed out

I’m short a diesel wagon.

A bunch of broken BMWs, a handful of miatas, and a Porsche. You guys applied to work for Jalopnik yet or what.

Yep, when my parents died my mom’s best friends basically became my replacement parents. The lady is a realtor, when I noticed I had accrued enough money for a good down payment on a residence I told her 1)3 car garage 2)as far away from the noisy parts of town while still retaining 150 megabit per second comcast