
1950-something 2CV. I was at the Lane Museum to film the first season of Jason Drives when a storm began to roll in while we were on set. I drove this 9hp version, with manual windshield wipers through a thunderstorm in Nashville traffic and it was one of the greatest driving experiences of my life. The guys at the

As I’m inclined to claim, this old girl is my 1931 Ford Model A. I drive her as many chances as I get which, in the South, is quite a lot. I started driving it when I was 16 and later on it spent 2 years as my only car. Whenever Doug used to inquire what he should buy and live with, I never hesitated to tell him to

1903 Cadillac. My dad has run it on the London to Brighton 10 times and I have run it twice. It is both awesome and terrible. Single cylinder with 6 and 1/2 horsepower, shakes like hell. Six miles an hour in first and 20 miles an hour in second if going downhill. Wooden wheels with bicycle tires. Absolutely amazing.

I used to own this 1949 Hudson a couple of years ago and drove it quite a bit. I was surprisingly reliable.

Truck nuts. Does anything else even come close?

Hmm I have to disagree. Many car companies overbadge their cars imo.. de-badging ain’t so bad.

Whatever the hell this trend is

These fucking shit fucking fuckers

I spent my money on a lift kit and i cant wait for my birthday money from grandma so i can buy tires.

A fake sunroof. Not joking, it’s a thing.


Light bars and lift kits in suburbia. None of that is needed to find your way over to PF Changs.

M badges on non-M BMWs.

Seriously? Seriously?

Third. I bought a ‘16 trek about 15 months ago and I’m pretty pleased.

Oh, wait...she said something safe.

This is why I love Jalopnik.

Sweet white miata!

“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant”