
@dfwguy: Yeah but the US has a capitalist economic system like gawd awmighty intended us po' folks to have so the energy companies monopoly would just switch to whatever us consumers need to buy.

For cars to become really like "appliances", the auto manufacturers should evolve into something that operates like the "white box" PC industry. Buying a car would be sorta like buying a generic, bare bones computer case, power supply and MB. You'd pick a rolling chassis with the wheel base you want, a fuel…

the road to Hana on Maui produces the worst 2nd derivative G's of any road I know. It'll loosen your teeth fillings and the rent-a-car folks won't give ya a car if ya tell 'em you're planning to go to Hana

@#6: Yeah, no shit dude, "Connections" was absolutely THE best edutainment show ever on the ol' boob tube.

I'd still like to buy an old Helm's donut panel truck but this dinky panel truck might be more practical and still be a lot of fun to bop around in..

for wanting his Chevy back. The dude's owns a 3/4 of a billion dollar business and he still wants his '72 Chevy back. Ya gotta luv 'im! Papa certainly deserves the "Hoon of the Year" award.

@philibuster : why don't ya just do what I do and tell the dude when you order your pizza to go light on the tomato sauce? Duh...

@Elhigh: You're just a big softy.

@Velocitré: I suppose your tight ass boss just got an easy lesson in karma. He should of been real happy it was just hardware in his gas tank instead of a burning rag sticking out of his gas filler.

@Graverobber: Me too, dude. Being from SoCal I didn't know I wasn't allowed to pump my own gas in NJ. Dain bramaged gas jockey got totally bent outta shape and started yelling at me. I still don't know why they won't let ya DIY. Safety? Don't really matter, I ain't going back to that state if I can help it...

@Skunky: Dude, I was just gonna post the same comment about the plate armor on a CJ. ( not on some little two seater kamikaze wanna-be... )

Absolute Worst Way - Invade some lousy third world oil producing shit hole.

Oh yeah,about 1 during the evening rush hour I used to go to this little bar, order a drink and go sit on front patio right next to PCH. I'd wait for this yellow 365 GTB driven by this chick with long blond hair. She was gorgeous and the blond wasn't bad looking either!

@YankBoffin:I'd give my one remaining testicle for your neighbor's GT40!

One of the nice things about living in a SoCal beach town is that you get to see a real lot of cool, classic and other high end cars. Like my doctor drives his bitchin' mid 70's Bentley to his office pretty regular. And four doors down, the neighbor dude has almost finished restoring this totally tits '71 Bronco.

@Formerlythegreatestdriver: I agree but they failed to include the random gray body primer spots, the glass packs and the chrome megaphone exhaust tips...

one helpful reader suggests using the battery fully if you're going to use it, then re-charge

Even in the 21st Century those Brits just won't give up building vehicles using wood.

These Chinese car monikers may truly suck but let us not forget that in the 1960's some marketing droid at Chevy tried to sell cars in Mexico with the name "Nova" (which in Spanish means "no go")....