
The wight plan might be stupidly dangerous, but it isn't stupid per se. Why wouldn't showing Cersei (and perhaps more importantly, Jaime) a wight help to convince them of the seriousness of both the threat in the north and the sincerity of Dany's ceasefire offer?

He's always been a great actor… when he's not completely out of his gourd.

Honestly though, he was the best thing in that movie. That was a Rickman level of over-the-top villainy.

What specifically do you think they're getting wrong? Other than tying the first season to Annville, it seems like a pretty faithful adaptation so far (at least in the tone and characterisation).

Some sort of golem created by Bob, I'd wager. It seemed poor Dougie was set up to get pulled back to the black lodge instead of Bob/Bad Coop.

Did it mean that though? Nadine regained her senses and looked at Ed (and Norma) and sort of wailed ambiguously. I don't remember anything be settled for certain - she could have simply kept her married name after the divorce.

I would wager you just might

Glasto loves to put on nostalgic acts, as the festival tends to attract a wide age range. He'll draw a big crowd of thirtysomethings.

Caught it earlier today; was very pleasantly surprised. It's a different film from the anime, and sure, some of the philosophical ruminations have been pared down, but they haven't been excised completely. To be honest, the biggest compliment I can pay the film is that, had it been made as an anime by a Japanese

Well.. Rick Parfitt and George Michael both died. So I would say it was a bit shit to be honest.