
@Sherifftruman: Unless he has a distribution list set up which happens to have the same first few letters as whomever he was originally thinking he was emailing... like "arthur_dent@fourty-two.com" and "art_depatrment"

@JeanStork: did you type this from an iOS device?

That "Generic Outline" sums up a big problem with America.

yet another reason to never check your luggage. no matter how long I'm travelling for, I always take just carry-on.

@le_sacre: Thanks for the clarification

@Cyrulean: Here's where I am curious though. Do power strips themselves still cause phantom drain because they are plugged into the wall?

@ovjho: that's a really good idea. I need to readjust which plugs go where in my entertainment center so I can just turn off an entire strip at night or when not in use.

I always love it when people complain about some service that used to be free but is now being charged for...

"The President of the United States just shouted out Facebook in the State of the Union address."

@CodyChat: according to the accompanying graphic at the top of the page... sort of.

@archercc: The amount of science and technology that went into figuring out just how little actual beef they could use and still make it taste amazing... that's the tie-in right there.

@MaienM: I'm pretty sure its not Apple... well, not directly.

If the kid would have had blasted Emperor or Satyricon this story would have taken a much more interesting twist. Then the wolves would have either:

@TomA88: I'd wonder why a man, who had the inhuman power and ability to throw an entire restaurant or mall would need to use a wheelchair...

The panic and outrage is real. You can see it in the multitude of typos and grammatical errors in people's posts. Its causing so much wide-spread panic that we no longer know how to speak or write.

Wait, they have rednecks in the UK?

@DouchieSnacks: "they" don't want to get rid of obesity. "they" make a hell of a lot more money if people eat more. because the more over weight people are, the more diet suppliments, exercise videos, gym memberships and medications to help diabetes and other related issues they can sell.

@shazaam42: feel free to send it to me afterwards as well as a separate code for decryption to my secondary email address.