
Depression isn’t feeling sad. It’s feeling that you’re in a black pit that wants to swallow you up.

Kylie. I think it’s Kylie’s life’s dream.

she was adriana in the remake of 90210

That was masterful, Bobby. I was like “who could it be?!” wondering what level of horror I would reach ... and then the Lovitz shot. Just NO. I actually said, out loud, in my office all alone “NO”.

I do wish, without comment, they’d just do an open thread to give the detritus somewhere to collect.

It’s a really serious condition that appears on humans who are walking in the shadow and a part of their body is hit by a ray of light. :)

No, that’s a word that has meaning in English.

Syracuse.com reports that the man wept in court, telling the judge, “I’m giving away many years of my life”

You see that ad with all those ugly broads repeating my statements?! Not one of them was as bangable as my daughter Ivanka.

I want to wear this EVERY DAY

get skinny and stay skinny the natural way, folks. with a crippling nicotine addiction! enjoy this matching virginia slim outfit to wear when you accidentally cough up a piece of your lung

Something tells me that she feels that the victims are the evil ones. If only they had kept their filthy whore mouths shut and their filthy whore legs closed, she wouldn’t have to deal with all of this inconvenience.

The 5th Amendment can only be invoked when a response would incriminate you (personally, not incriminate your husband or someone you care about) criminally not civilly. You’re thinking about spousal privilege, which she can invoke only if it’s a private oral communication between spouses. Meaning that it has to be

“Some of us worked hard to get where we are today, where we can shell out mad cash for real estate and ignore subject/verb agreement with impunity!”

What? Here’s what’s absurd: I bet in your circle there are more than a few people who deal with either or both, and you probably don’t even get it.

As a married woman with depression, thank you. Your comment means the world to me. I have a wonderful husband, but it took him a long time to finally understand it's so much more than feeling blue.

I think we need to be as frank as possible when it comes to suicide. Get it out there, instead of couching it in terminology. How many suicides are described as having “died unexpectedly,” or are mentioned in almost pleasant terms such as “took their own life,” “ended their own life.” Maybe a few more stories about

As the husband of a woman with depression - it’s always to be taken seriously. Life is tough. But when your body and mind decide they want to fight you, it’s even worse.