
Still a better unit of measure than inches.

To be fair his is a 10 year old model which shares nothing in common with the new ones

See DeMuro, Doug.

If there were no cars on the road I would feel pretty safe riding my bike to work. Of course they would have to invest in showers at the office because four months out of the year here it's in the mid to upper 90's.

Plenty of people ‘needed’ to smoke in order to start their day and get to work. Then people adapted, many quit smoking, and those who found they couldn’t quit are going to die sooner anyways as the number of adult smokers plummets. People adapt.

God that first paragraph. <3

The only reason that your public transportation is a crumbling mess IS because everyone else chooses to drive.

We’re done here.

The Pinto is probably the closest America has come to a modern super car when judged on propensity to catch fire.

Even slavery obeys the laws of economics.


The Screwtape Letters, read by John Cleese

Anybody listen to the audiobook of World War Z? It’s got an insane cast of actors in it.

THIS, so much this. I am 6’10 and sat in a ‘13 Golf R last week. In comparison to the ‘14 Focus ST I had also sat in that day, it was like getting upgraded to first class in terms of overall space. I love a small agile car but need lots of leg room, somehow the last few generations of Golf manage to pull off both.

I think the appropriate title for this is .. see my vest?

I’m going to disagree with you that driving sucks. I personally enjoy driving, but I consider that different than commuting. Commuting by bike or public trasit is awesome, much better than by car. My last job I was able to bike to the office, it was actually 5-10min faster than driving. I highly recommend looking for

Sports content: He was enough of an idiot to push and approve $250 million in public funding for a Bucks stadium (while wanting to cut $300 million from the UW system budget).

what a refreshingly honest approach to admitting having been dishonest.

It’s been two decades since I read it, but Brave New World never, for me, conjured the terror of 1984. A ton of what the citizens of Brave New World experienced didn’t seem all that bad, even to a 15 year old punk rocker who foolishly thought he was an anarchist.

I always thought that BNW and its spiritual child GATTACA were interesting dystopias, because while their worlds were difficult for particular individuals, as a whole, they actually seemed to function quite well for the whole of the society. Most people in BNW are happy to an extent, and the world of GATTACA has a