I have zero doubt Roxanne must have been a Cardinals fan.
I have zero doubt Roxanne must have been a Cardinals fan.
It makes a lot of sense on paper from 2009.
Of all the people who commented on this online it was Don Jr who reminded Cuomo that being called Fredo just means that you are the stupid brother.
If the market worked as it is supposed to then as soon as people discovered a company was especially reprehensible, another company run by better people in a better way would slide into the space and steal a lot of their customers.
As always, right wingers just love the “invisible hand of the market” right up until it slaps them upside the head.
Seems like a typical right wing closet case.
He should find the school with the best player in college basketball next year, donate a building to the school in return for a bachelor’s degree, then sign the kid, and then convince him to quit the team and play in Europe for a year.
Fox needs to eliminate the middleman and just send Hannity, Tucker, and Laura out to random places with AR-15s to kill people directly.
These people could probably do more good and be happier if they just went out and registered a bunch of people every week on their own without being tied to any campaign or political organization. If they got really good at it they could probably parlay that into a real job with real pay for a real…
Another thing about the draft is that a huge part about hitting or missing a draft pick is having a team and coaches that help make they player good.
Colonel Sander’s troops were decimated and he was forced to retreat back into Kentucky.
He does and I think he will be the VP, but in general the VP will always be the perfect place to stash an Old White Guy. It should be the slot you give to the guy that has been a solid, reliable, leader for years with lots of good connections and the experience who was never exciting enough to win on their own. More…
I guess this answers the eternal NBA question of whether Chris Paul or Russell Westbrook is the more obnoxious teammate.
See I think they are very similar. ALL of the candidates are similar. Warren and Biden are probably furthest apart (of the ones who have a chance) but I cannot see anyone who wants Biden who won’t accept Warren or vice versa.
I think the base is gonna consolidate no matter what. If one of them is the nominee it will probably be Castro, although Biden would be great if he could be convinced to do it as he would bring the same old safe experience that he brought Obama.
I think it will be not as tough to fill cabinet positions. There are a LOT of really good people. Even the 15 or so candidates who are never going to be President would make very good Cabinet Secretaries.
It does not matter how far to the left the President is, if Dems do not have the Senate then nothing happens. And even if they do, the laws that are passed will only be as progressive as the 50th Democratic Senator is willing to allow them to be.
Its not. Never really has been. Only 2 VPs have actually won elections without already being incumbent presidents in the past 100 years or so.
A Warren/Harris or Harris/Warren ticket is a waste of one of their talents.
He already sort of took the path that has lead to him being reviled by a big chunk of Dem primary voters.