
Being a ranter is great for getting other politicians to consider the advantages of the stuff being ranted about and finding some who might actually figure out how to implement the ranters goals.

Bernie’s policies are great, and thankfully, many of the Dem candidates have embraced some or parts or all of them. Because of that, he himself is not necessary. The other candidates are better in all the normal ways: younger, more diverse, will release their tax returns, anti-NRA, are actual Democrats, etc...

Another twist on this idea would be to align them more with the conferences rather than the individual colleges.

One way to make a league like this work would be to make it a pro version of a college team. Obviously the most elite college players from a school might go to the pros, but how about all the pretty good to great players who don’t make the league.

This story is not about an average american boy, this story is about some really fucking shitty American parents.

The girl who did that was probably his mom.

Some team should go ahead and put together and entire staff of coaches who are not related to any other pro coaches. That team would probably go undefeated.

This deserves more stars.

This is actually a great idea if the remainder of the term is as long as a speech apologizing for his actions and resigning.

How great would it be if they get their championship win vacated and for once neither Bama or Clemson won the National Title.

THIS. It was a test.

Nobody goes to the Knicks or the Clippers. The last guy to do that was Melo and he obviously was not doing it to win, but to be in NY. And it obviously did not really work out.

I don’t think teams would risk missing the playoffs to get an 8 seed instead of a 7 seed. Too much of risk that they could fall right out.

Exactly, just said the same thing... Imagine an 8 seed that is pretty good but got bounced, suddenly wins the lottery and has one more really good piece to go to the next level.

Tanking is not that bad, but one way to improve the draft lottery would be to give the 8 seed in each conference and maybe even the first team out of the playoffs in each conference (the 9 seed if you will), the second highest odds of winning the draft lottery.

Lebron for the Brow, straight up. Keep their core and get a superstar in his prime for a lot more years rather than a superstar who is probably gonna start slowing down in 2-3 years.

Also they brought Boogie in and if he had not been injured they would be in year two together after getting into a pretty good groove near the end of last season. Boogie and Brow after a year of seasoning and getting used to each other would have been pretty damn good I think.

Pelicans should offer Davis for Lebron, straight up. I am sure Lebron would not allow it, but it would be a great deal for the Lakers. they keep their young prospects and add AD and can build from that.

Why would someone post a photo of their queso 3 hours after it was eaten.

Jared Goff is not actually a good quarterback.