
First off, if their cover story was what actually happened and we learned about that first, that still would be as insane and unacceptable as what actually did happen. ‘We accidentally killed a journalist while torturing him’ does NOT improve the situation in any way.

Really if every billionaire who owned a major league sports team died, there would only be a handful (maybe) who are rightly missed.

The media needs to describe all of these voter suppression efforts as CHEATING to win elections. Because that is what it is and that is a much clearer way to describe to regular people what is going on. Americans understand cheating is wrong. They don’t necessarily get different the nuances of various forms of

retweet or like the actual tweet too!

retweet or like the actual tweet too!

There are ways to get these people the proper IDs they need. It is a bit complicated but should work.

I think I figured it out. It is all the same universe. The Phoenix movie is just a movie about Joker that exists in the Jared Leto Joker world. All they need to do is have a quick scene in one of the future movies where Jared Leto’s Joker blows up a movie theater that is playing the Joker movie star

A moderate Republican is basically just a very conservative Democrat.

She should really be apologizing to the mushroom character in Mario Kart.

Remember, the way to punish Susan Collins right now is to elect a Democratic Senate so her vote becomes completely pointless and basically worthless. As the 48th Republican vote she will get zero attention and will lose all the leverage she currently has as a supposed swing vote. Her power to be the deciding vote on

This was a lot less entertaining when the Republicans pulled the same exact prank later in the day with the US Constitution.

AND get other people to go out and vote. And get people in places like Tennessee and Texas and other red states to vote and vote Democrat.

If Dems do not take the House then without a doubt the Republicans cheated in some way. If that happens we should seriously consider ending the current government. California, Pacific Northwest, New York, New England, and reasonable Midwest states should simply band together and run the country themselves. If the deep

Then we need to make sure we can get 67 decent people elected to the Senate.

A revolution would actually be pretty simple. Take out fox news and a handful of billionaire donors and once Republican voters aren’t bombarded with right wing propaganda for a few months their brainwashing will eventually wear off.

I predict DUI. Maybe they’ll even get him on a police dash cam.

They could also lower the number of Justices. If it is last in, first out then it is a 4-3 Dem court.

40% of the Justices on the court nominated by a Republican have been credibly accused of sex crimes.

Joe Manchin sucks ass, but as long as he is officially a Democrat in the Senate he gets us one more step towards preventing Mitch McConnell from being the majority leader.

Before the sexual assault revelations it was pretty much a given that Kavanaugh was going to pass with no problems. The Democrats knew this and their approach seemed to be to ask him questions that they thought they knew he would answer untruthfully (see Kamala Harris’ great questioning about Kavanaugh’s communication