
Apparently she should have reassured the right wing snowflakes that she was not trying to insult anybody based on their physical appearance and made it clear to everyone that she was only there to make fun of how hideously ugly all of these people are on the inside.

It is probably because trump & his cohorts have never been challenged legally for their crimes. They have never actually had to work within the criminal justice system to try to get out of trouble. All of their various crimes have always been swept under the rug, ignored, kept silent, or were paid off in some way. So

Boehner may have been a partisan piece of shit but he was a legit Catholic who retained some elements of being a semi-decent human.

Shouldn’t be a surprise, Paul Ryan’s religion is money and the most holy sacrament in his church is cutting taxes for billionaires.

This is why trump still has supporters, not because they are fine with the shit he does but because they watch fox and never hear one single word about all the shit he does.

When it gets confirmed that trump has paid for an abortion(s) it will be almost as unsurprising when a tape of him saying the N-word finally gets released.

Just take the whole Kanye/trump thing today for all that it was... Two extreme narcissists giving each other twitter handjobs, nothing more.

That is a key point nobody in the press is focusing on... Cohen can only flip if he knows about crimes committed by trump.

Just donate directly to Dem candidates, not the party.

That makes me think of a much better way to paraphrase the NRA’s favorite quote...

Yet another periodic reminder that toddlers with guns kill more Americans than Islamic terrorists.

I like how against every other team in the league Lance Stephenson is an average starter but against LeBron he believes he is one of the 5 best players in the league.

Counterpoint: If Durant had stayed the Thunder would have won it all the next year.

Paying off a porn star to help a campaign would be considered a campaign donation and it certainly exceeds campaign finance limits, which would be illegal. A good lawyer may be able to avoid a conviction for it, but there are not a lot of those going around in trump-world.

We are very close to hearing about trump paying someone (or multiple someones) to have an abortion.

People don’t care about his sexual shenanigans, they care about the laws he broke to cover them up.

The idea came from greedy rich people who wanted tax cuts so they would have even more money.

That is great that you have done this but the glaring problem is right in the middle of your post...

Joke’s on him, people already do have jobs that pay so little that they have to be on welfare.

He actually did it.