
The article is criticizing her for WHEN she chose to talk about the situation. If you don’t think her explanation about how she dealt with it is sufficient, that is fine, but that is not what the article is about. This article is just going after her for posting her thoughts on it during the SOTU.

99% Russian bots.

Looks like your everyday Fosters Beer commercial to me.

This is fantastic news.

I am pretty sure the Republicans never wanted this memo to come out. They wanted it to sound like some super damaging thing that the dems and/or the FBI were trying to hide.

Its too bad stupidity is a communicable disease but not a terminal disease.

I think he will be arrested before the voters have a chance to make that decision.

Also the FISA warrant was not granted based on the dossier. It was granted because there was evidence the guy was breaking the law.

Whatever the Republicans are trying to do with the memo they just fucked it all up again...

Well until she does, there are a lot better people/things to be outraged about so worry about those.

Except if she did not say anything the media would pretend that her not responding should be news. They would probably put up a clock ticking off how long it has been without her responding.

Can we stop with the Clinton shit. She is no longer news. She is not the president. She is not actively destroying our country. She is a flawed person who has made a fair amount of stupid decisions in her life. She has also been attacked relentlessly for her mistakes. And also for everything else she has ever done. It

This is the biggest deal. This should be the lead story everywhere.

Better yet, hacks it.

I don’t see how this is any different from the job she just left.

Absolutely. When he is gone and she files the divorce papers I wonder if 11/9/16 will just be crossed out and replaced with the new date so she doesn’t have to waste time filling them out again.

Its simpler than that. Greed is an addiction. They just want more and more and have no regards for how it affects anyone else. These people are basically meth heads but for money.

Turns out he meant Wynning, not Winning.

Cardinals fans hope it continues.

Oh planting bedbugs at trump properties would be glorious.