
Unless we eventually find out he did all of this so he could stay in the job while wearing a wire every day at work in an effort to incriminate Trump, then this guy has just shown he is a worthless sap and has stuffed his soul right down the toilet.

Trump not paying is the least disturbing, and certainly least surprising element of this.

One thing republicans are good at is attacking someone until regular people decide to hate them. They spent 20+ years doing it to Hillary and it worked like a charm and got Trump elected.

Just fucking resign and you can play all the golf you want* and nobody will complain about it.


Now that one would have required an apology.

Woah. Sorry Bears fan who is hung up on a play from 20+ years ago.

“You also don’t want it to lead to a witch hunt atmosphere”

chances are it’ll be illegal next year.

Of all the things that are killing the NFL, having their most entertaining players out for the season (Rodgers, ODB, Watt, whoever is lost next) is what has the chance to drag it down the most.

I think that bad karma was taken care of when the Bears broke Rodgers’ collarbone a few years ago.

They already sold their souls but they still haven’t gotten the tax cuts.

Duly noted.

Tax cuts for the rich. That is all the GOP cares about so anything that spends money, they want to get rid of so they can cut taxes for the rich.

One of those tweets was written BY him, one of them was written FOR him.

Which means his term will be over in a few months!

There is some rhyme or reason to it. If he criticizes a news organization it means that news organization just asked the white house to comment on some huge bombshell story that will then come out a few days later and he is freaking out about it.

Not so fast, a booming stock market could cut the debt, all we need to do is jack up the capital gains tax.

Speaking of screwing the pooch, Paul Ryan would literally let a Great Dane screw him dozens of times if it meant he would get tax cuts for the rich out of it.

New Yorkers know where Minnesota and Wisconsin and Ohio and all the midwest states are because before they were New Yorkers they grew up in those states.