
McCain is a guy whose opponent in the 2000 GOP South Carolina primary launched a racist attack claiming his adopted daughter was an illegitimate child from an interracial affair.

If he was really thinking into the future LeBron should add one last step...

One can only hope he heads out the door and jumps in an Uber to take him directly to Mueller’s office for a nice long chat.

Dershowitz just wants to be the lawyer who worked on the Trial of the Century in back to back centuries. 20th century for OJ, 21st century for Trump.

Maybe looking mortality in the face will get McCain to stop toeing the GOP party lines that he obviously knows are full of shit.

For those of you who are relieved and think Obamacare is safe, keep in mind that Medicaid was passed 40 years ago and the republicans are still trying to overturn that.

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He could say that about Tiffany and everyone would believe it.

End of the beginning.

it sounds like a lot of the Republican lawmakers are saying stuff like we need to see what happens with the investigation. I would guess that means they are opening the door for turning on Trump as soon as enough shit comes pouring out.

But HIS E-mail.

I encourage any stories about Pence sneaking around and prepping for his own future so that Trump will get jealous and have one of his minions start leaking damaging info on Pence’s own involvement in the Russian scandal.

One could make a case that Russia’s actions were cyber-warfare. it might be a stretch but that could maybe make it treason.

The correct answer to that questions is:

The correct answer to that questions is:

The correct answer to that questions is:

If we don’t call it a shooting, but instead call it an abortion, maybe the republicans will actually give a shit.

Putin is giddy as a schoolgirl. He cannot believe how successful this scam has been so far.

I’m pleasantly surprised that Trump didn’t come out of the meeting bragging about how he got Putin to agree to a deal where he supplies the entire country with the latest top of the line Russian-made voting machines in time for 2018.

Yeah I highly doubt it will ever happen, but...