
That would easily be my 1974 MG MGB. I would purposely park on a hill with the nose facing down, so that I could jump start it, because the Lucas electrical system never kept it charged -- constant problems with the generator, alternator, starter, etc.  Finally gave up on the day that I rolled it into the back of my

Nose in, back out. Why? Because there’s more room to back out of a space, than to back into it, and backing is inherently difficult to do because of visibility issues. There’s really no good reason to take the extra time and hold up parking lot traffic to back into a spot. If you can pull through, that’s a different

I’ve read both articles, and still don’t understand why you would buy such a road hazard rust-bucket.  If you’re going to put 1,000 hours into something, wouldn’t it make more sense to buy something that is at least roadworthy and that you could sell again once you get tired of it.  It’s entertaining, but I truly

I drive the biggest SUV ever made, the Ford Excursion. Why? When I purchased it, I had 5 kids at home, hauled watercraft and cargo trailers, and there was never a week when we weren’t purchasing some “treasure” from a second-hand shop. 21 years later, I’m still driving the Excursion because I can load the whole

You’re absolutely right. I finally replaced the rear barn door actuator on my 2000 Ford Excursion, after tolerating it for 15 years LOL, and it was AMAZING to be able to lock all of the doors again. Felt absolutely like a brand new vehicle! 25 minute job to do it myself. Ridiculous I waited so long.

It IS possible.  My 2000 Ford Excursion 6.8L V10 is still going strong, and likely to make it to 30 years.  The only thing I’m likely to do is replace the body mounts, which have dried out with age.

I’ve owned a 6.8L v10 Excursion-Beast for 20 years now, and hauled everything from 2,000 pounds of sandbags to 26' boats and an entire Little League Team. They are Haulers! They are experiencing a nostalgic surge right now, commanding higher and higher prices, with many 7.3Ls scratching $25,000 if in good condition.

This is your BELOVED?  Then why do you allow it to look like a rolling rust-bucket?  You got MAD SKILLZ.  FIX THE RUST!  (or at least spray some Rust Restorer on all of it to stop further erosion). Right now it looks like you don’t care.

I would also add, just do the work yourself on your car. I’ve NEVER been a mechanic, but I brought my 2000 Excursion out of retirement a year ago, and have been doing all of the deferred maintenance myself by watching YouTube videos. It’s amazing what you can do yourself if you just address one problem at a time, and