Not entirely!
Not entirely!
It's a shame you're not on FaceBook, my dear. The outpost we maintain there could engage your penchant for talk to your heart's content. We just signed on MegaParty Odo and Morn Morn, and you KNOW Morn can talk your ear off. Well… perhaps not a Cardassian ear…
The kids tried to use phasers, but Kira just deployed the anesthazine gas for the lower decks, and took everyone else out with her bare hands. Yes. Yes.
We aim to please.
"We've never needed a crew, Beverly."
So, wait, shouldn't it have been "little to no involvement" instead of "know"? Homonyms, am I right?
Ferengi crossdressing is the fire in which your joy burns.
Those were the days, right? When we had time to commit those to memory?
Which, these days, is as good as the Harlan Ellison Stamp of Approval.
Well, the Pah-Wraith who took over Keiko was none too nice. Blackmail and murder threats and hurting a child to prove a point aren't really "good" activities, are they?
I go to B-Fest every year. I can take it.
Wait… I thought kanar was essentially finely distilled and aged fish juice? I was wrong!
On the FB group, it's legendary, our topic wanderings. And it all started on these humble pages. DAMN IT, ONE LONG PAGE!
Also, Bashir and Garak could leave at any time, but that might destroy their friends' data, so no go.
In the interim between reviews, let me just put a word out there for the non-AVC AVC gatherings. There's a Google+ group, and a FaceBook group. Both have familiar "faces" and personalities from here, and both have good discussions and friendly interaction.
Happy life day!
Ohai, Doctor Bashir…
"Take Me Out to the Holosuites."
(that would have gone better if I'd had an actual smoke bomb to hand, but alas)
Scaly cleavage is the best cleavage. Oh, um… did I say that out loud? Well, I, um, ahem, that is… SMOKEBOMB! (runs away)