
My main issue is it tries to have it's cake (fresh, free from continuity) and eat it too (references and events that are only important or impactful because you remember them from the previous continuity). It's not a clean break, and I would classify it more in the cheap exploitation category. Bear in mind, I'm not

Good on us!

Oh, and why does every conspiracy and dirty trick have to be tied back to S31? Regular Starfleet admirals can engage in a criminal conspiracy all on their own, thank you very much!

One of the things I find interesting about the concept of Section 31 is that it doesn't seem to be motivated like other secret organizations. It doesn't seek power or control for itself; it has what it needs, so now it just seeks to further Federation interests in ways that Starfleet can't stomach. It does tricky

Oooh, hot! She likes you, Bob!

I had to create a new account and name myself the same name just to get on here so I could fucking say something. Disqus can bite me.