Only the most developed palates can handle rubbing alcohol infused with a pine cone, you Philistine.
Only the most developed palates can handle rubbing alcohol infused with a pine cone, you Philistine.
Jesus, that’s good.
going away for a while to nurse your wounds, another Holy Week move
“Show some respect for the flag.” - Barry
You total idiot. You complete fucking moron. That’s a Trump prepping to fight Joe Biden...
Ypsi is the East Germany of Ann Arbor
I mean, hiring a guy accused of serious financial crimes to the Trump Campaign is pretty directly on-brand.
The thing that people should be upset with about the O.J. acquittal is that his wealth and high profile diverted justice. If O.J. were a poor black man, he would still be in jail if not dead.
Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.
Wow, I didn’t realize that Bartolo, Giancarlo, and Alex were white guys now.
“Facing the wrong way, what do you expect?”
Total no-show. So much for the “next Gretzky”!
Man, Crosby was terrible in this tournament.
+1 good guy with a gun.
She stated that she started to feel the costume falling apart, and “I prayed.”
Fuck this posturing, irritating, fake-ass bitch. I love that she spent all Wednesday with a fucking ash cross on her forehead to pander to her viewers. Maybe think about what Jesus would say about the wealth inequality in this country, you hateful cunt.
Like most athletes who wind up in Sacremento, he was confused, upset, and looked for any way to get the hell out of there.
“Giving in to meltdowns or the threat of meltdowns creates an entitled monster we all will have to deal with in the future.”
The primary reason was that Paterno was not planning on leaving anytime soon. Paterno told Sandusky that he would not recommend Sandusky as his replacement. Paterno felt Sandusky's Second Mile work was a distraction and being the head coach allowed time for coaching and family. Paterno didn't feel Sandusky was…