
I wish we could sell the FE here in the states. It is really an awesome truck.

Just for the lunacy. I say yes.

Just the existence of this thing caused (ur god here) to kill 1000 puppies and a cat or two.

That Three Link is the Missing Link.

Double to 20% share price drop


Murilee is still the best look Jalop.

The Car that kills over assertive Dragons.

@Novaload: Briliant! Think we can market it?

@elwood: As many trucks as UPS buys, the OEM's will build a chicken shit powered truck if asked.

Looks like a Kiaundai?

Hitler Had A Star?!?!?

How about an X for commenting underachievers such as I.

So... it's not just my sales.

With great Star comes great Responsibility...

The most beautiful part of this car is the drive-train, an engineering work of art.

The most beautiful part of this car is the drive-train, an engineering work of art.

for = Ford