Next they will tell us that the Prius is more important than Jesus and the Beatles.
Next they will tell us that the Prius is more important than Jesus and the Beatles.
The Prius just makes aging hipsters think they are greener then they really are, and there lives weren't a complete waste.
Wurst: Anything political, we are screwed either way.
Old: Truck Nuts
Sell it for $5K and they will have a winner.
Best hoonage Ive seen in a wile.
Reminds me of this...
Corvair > Cuz Chewy dont care bout no safety standards. FNADER plates of course.
Ive made that trip a thousand times and it get longer every time. That last stretch of woods after Bangor can get you. Ive gone the entire 2 hour trip from Bangor to Houlton and didnt see one car. Going from WPB, FL to Caribou the Haynesville Woods is the part I dread the most. Not because of the danger(the road…
Is that side boob I sawr? Fragmented thoughts.. brain failing ... friday after 5, still at work.
Was that side boob I see? Dang
I hope the GM add folks are taking notes
@long_live_the_E36: Nailed it.
Ha ha, Good point.
Hoon points-
@lascauxcaveman: I has my Drinks 50/50 and a twist of lime for a nice refreshing drink. I have never been one to turn down a good martini.
U brake on dead bodies.
@IppoJ: A 76' Valiant would be exciting with an LS7.
I drool