Looks like a solid car. Do you think it would hurt the value to lose the sun and stripes? Because I would.
Looks like a solid car. Do you think it would hurt the value to lose the sun and stripes? Because I would.
They look like they will tip over in a parking lot. It takses brass balls to take one up a hill.
Even when I was a kid I thought that vette was lame.
@Turboner: Bombay and Tonic is my current drink of choice.
You know, the more I here about the shit the more I dont like it.
No contest
@Retiree: Toyota is one of the first companies to use true lockers in the smaller tucks. They won many awards from the Off Road Mags because of it.
@Ray Wert:
I borrowed a few of these comparo vids from a GM training rep a few months ago, and tried to email them to Jalop but the files where to big.
Shit. Thats where all my friends went...
We do that every weekend on Peanut Island in West Palm Beach. A 22 year old kid was killed last year by a couple of asshole thugs.
Man, I wish we had hills in Florida.
Nice Gloves.
Oh no you di'ent
Oh, you just saw Rocky. Look little Italian White man. I enjoy Sylvester Stalone's movies to but why dont you on, hop in your IROC Z28 and Take your ass home.
Wow, didnt see that coming. I can here the necks screaming in agony.
-10pts no air time
No wonder the rest of the world hates the US. In 1958 all americans drove Caddies.