
@presto117: What this doesn't show is that the room attached to this was converted into a closet.

I'd love to get this if the quality is good. I bought a Razor Lycosa and it looked/felt amazing. Unfortunately some keys stop working and others get stuck on. I found out after my warranty that this problem is common. You can take the keyboard apart, separate the two plastic flex circuits, put back together, and most

My dad was a major hoarder, my mom is also. I am for sure. I am not nearly as bad as my dad was, mainly because I hate it. My problem is that I have too many hobbies/interests so I end up not organizing things and getting rid of things on a regular basis. I am trying to fix it, but it is very difficult to find the

I like his brother John so much more.

@yah5: You had me up until you said sued. They broke the agreement sure, but suing and banning them is ridiculous. They didn't cause any sort of monetary loss or mental anguish for Apple. In fact they generate a ton of money for Apple since they are one of the more popular camera applications. Removing the app

@dcleblond: Well then, that just about proves it.

@john_drake: It really is random. I was a commenter for years before getting a star. I got one for "being helpful" by Brian Lam. They star people far more frequently now then before.

I will be canceling my subscription soon if things don't improve. The shows offered are not that great, the quality/performance still doesn't touch Netflix, amount of ads is insane especially when watching clips (one before EVERY clip no matter how long the clip is, also ads when watching movie previews which are

@Solertia: Well this might be real, but no the black one does not have those. SamtheGeek has it right, there is an area where the coating is not there. The slotted version the white one has is different.

@Dango-rous: There is a sensor there yes, but I don't think apple would have ugly slots like that there. I don't know, I doubt this is real.

What are those speed holes above the speaker for? My black one doesn't have those.

By far this was the most hours of any game I have played on the iPhone (second would be Field Runners). Even with it's flaws (like stability and graphics) it has great replay value and I do not regret the $10 I spent on this when it came out.

@Random434: I agree, there has yet been a very good replica made other than the look.

@kuba.la: I had not seen that and that was awesome. Thank you.

@schnazalope: Sometimes it is just the best option. My house has a spot for a TV in the corner next to the fireplace which is a horrible spot for modern TVs. My house was built in 1972 so TVs weren't the priority. I currently have my TV in front of the fireplace but I plan on moving it above when I get some time.

@ninjashock: For sure. It really is easiest to just do a listen test. Very hard to say by just looking at it.

@TaliaBurlington: The drivers should be better than most off-the-shelf computer speakers from Logitech etc. I have no experience with PVC as a speaker box but it should work alright. These would be fine for a low-end speaker setup. You also would need some sort of speaker amp to connect these to a PC which would

Also, that is some bad photochopping. More apparent when looking at full res version off etsy.