Just gave it a try for YouTube. Works great, highly recommended.
Just gave it a try for YouTube. Works great, highly recommended.
@Geraldo Rivera's Mustache: I'm glad someone else noticed that drummer as well.
@musiqrulez: In the video they say 720p.
Time to turn Gizmodo into GizBBS
@JakeMG: Yes, yes I do. I thought I'd try and let it sit for a while, but I guess that doesn't work either.
@eldescanso: That'll buff out.
To all who make these types of videos:
@DrinkCoffee: The only reason you beat me to that comment was because I was staring in horror for 5 minutes at that photo.
@Stevox: Haha, nice reference.
@Dr. Evil Genius: When Skeletons Live: OSUWARI!!!
@CommentingpointlesslyisMeh: No your reading that correctly, you're just not reading the linked article. :)
@SGTalon: Zack and Miri Make a Porno
I read "pornodoro" like 5 times before I got it right.
I can't help reading "bccthis" as "bitches".
I'll stick to buying one if I need one, Several options but this is $3.13 shipped:
@Ray Nath: What it does is allows you to resize from anywhere not just the sides. So it is only mildly more convenient, but also takes two hands instead of one. I tried it and promptly deleted it.
Or do this.