
I realize the extremes my forthcoming hot take reach, but given the joke these NCAA rules are at this point, why don’t the big schools, and anyone else who wants to, just leave?  Is there some global rule that says there can’t become an alternative to the NCAA and the colleges can join that instead?  And this new

Kingsbury, meanwhile, will reportedly not have to sit out the 2019 season before coaching the Cardinals.

+1 bpm

Definitely tone deaf

OK, we can stipulate that he has no racist bones. It’s his other 250 pounds of pasty Baron Harkonnen-flesh that contains the racism...

“I have no issues with a Trump flag at our game last night. ... It’s actually pretty cool [young people] are paying attention to things going on in our country”

Trump loves America so much he stayed here through the entire Vietnam War.

I’d like to pull him aside and get his honest thoughts on all the racist bones their bodies allegedly don’t have

She said this was nothing more than young people wearing “a bunch of red, white and blue, supporting their president.

I think you put a typo in there by mistake. It’s supposed to a “USA: Blacks out theme night”

Lowe was competing for PBR at the National Western Stock Show

I watch the shit out of bull riding and I always pull for the bull. Always. Rodeos are fucking barbaric.

He died doing what he loved.  Torturing animals.

If they take all these offers, the NCAA will probably put them on probation for taking gifts. 

You can stop that shit right meow

She told the paper the patrons were there to watch the Dallas Cowboys game, and playfully teased her about being a Vikings fan.

I bet the patron was (unjustifiably) pissed when they discovered the restaurant doesn’t serve a “Liter-a-Cola.”

It’s also the name of the place that Farva likes with all the goofy shit on the wall and the mozzarella sticks.

As for what we know about this approaching era of Marvel superhero movies, it’s not much—Feige withheld proper details in the interview. But it’s already been established that James Gunn’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 will kick things off in the “cosmic” corner of the MCU.