I kinda like it. It’s Wesley in Demolition Man over here!
I kinda like it. It’s Wesley in Demolition Man over here!
i recently blasted my ex, who just won an oscar, for his four years of shit treatment. but...i took it down. because he promised me he’ll help my career when he can. i can let it go that he’s an asshat i never want to date again, because he owes me. otherwise - nah. i’d leave that shit up.
Oh puhleeeeeeze. Potatum has been steppin up and OUT on her for years.
Um, Kim, hate to tell you, but every family that has ever existed before yours (including your own demon mother trying to corral you and your sibling’s asses into some sort of semblance to take a picture) totally understand. Your tweet only reinforces the theory that you have no fucking idea what it means to be a…
Even if Channing were the cause of the divorce, which I don’t know if I have it in me to believe because I adore him, Jenna’s a class act for not badmouthing him. Maybe it’s her saving face but I find that very sweet of her.
That’s exactly what she’s trying to do. She hobnobs with the billionaires and oligarchs, and bitches about not being able to keep up with them. She’s been that way since she was with that racecar driver twice her age in the Cocaine Castle.
I find Snooki’s and J-Woww’s new faces unsettling.
That’s not correct. You don’t want to discourage white children from dressing up as Tiana or Jasmine. Because it’s good for white kids to look up to people of different races.
That wig was horrendous. And not funny at all. Swing and a miss.
When Luann first posted that picture on Instagram - I screamed “blackface!” and was ATTACKED by hoards of gay men and what I am assuming classless women who said NO THIS IS FASHIOOOOOOOOOOOON.
It’s about Tom.
My issue also was Diana Ross very rarely wore an afro. I mean, it was really about the long hair. But that’s another story.
maybe he can hitchhike away with his brother Shannon when all those underage girls (victims) come forward from his concerts.
she’s the one I feel for ... as much as I can for anyone in the Trump manure pile of offspring. Tiff was born (or is it “bourne”) out of wedlock 2 months before Donny put a big old ring on Marla. Donny didn’t want Tiff and actually recommended an abortion ... but look what he got instead.
I will withhold my warm feelings for Tiffany until she releases a tell-all book that results in huge financial losses and/or jail time for Donald, Junior, Jared, and that creepshow Eric.
I watched Kelly live on Friday because I was off and being lazy. She was a bit cold to Ryan, so I was thinking the shine was off that penny already.
20% people! Even if the food sucks (not the server’s fault) and even if you didn’t like the service you received (it’s a shit job and I don’t expect to be waited on by a circus monkey). I also tip more on breakfast and lunch if the bill is cheap because an extra $5 can make a difference (spoken from past experience).
What do you mean, which segment of society can we blame? The shooter was a woman: we can now comfortably go back to blaming women for everything.