Right?? Most stores don’t even carry plus sizes as standard stock so to see some on clearance would be a huge shock.
Right?? Most stores don’t even carry plus sizes as standard stock so to see some on clearance would be a huge shock.
Not only is it baffling, but it’s infuriating. When their “long and lean” style went online only a few years ago their were petitions online signed by tens of thousands- tens of thousands!!!!- to please keep them in the store. They didn’t. I used to buy a few pairs every time I needed new jeans. They were the ONLY…
Didn’t Nick Carter abuse Paris Hilton when they were dating? I remember it being big deal because she wouldn’t name him explicitly but she was covered in bruises.
She was in Quantum Leap for fucks sake!
This exactly. It’s part of their earnings IMO. And they can choose to keep it or sell it. I’ll sell anything on eBay that isn’t nailed down so I’m not knocking anybody’s hustle.
That was my takeaway as well. This isn’t even the first time we’ve had a mass shooting at a church. So what exactly is unfathomable about this???
Yes Playboy has already done this.
It wasn’t aliens but it was BECAUSE of aliens.
Never fuck a dude with a cross tattoo.
Interesting question considering all the rumors around Amy adams. People have said for years that the reason she hasn’t won an oscar is because she refused to participate in casting couch culture.
Go on....
It’s not a basment.
She really just wanted to get her name in the headlines with all the big players- Goop, Angelina, etc.
A grand on Halloween really isn’t THAT much. It’s just odd because she can afford to have handmade costumes and the most intricate decorations- instead she goes to a party city 😂
Thank you! He was nothing if not a giant fucking creep. Their are tons of rape and coercion rumors from the mansion, he was best buds with Bill Cosby, he advocated sexual freedom for HOT women, and their has been talk about how absolutely filthy the mansion is for years. Like apparently it smells absolutely…
That’s nice to hear. I have heard from multiple sources that you won’t find a more consummate professional on a set than Kim Kardashian. So as far as I’m concerned they can keep on keeping on. I don’t watch the show or buy any K products but I’ve also known much smaller potatoes with much larger egos and a propensity…
That’s the fucking rub- Bey and Jay aren’t hiring ANYBODY. Their STAFF does all the hiring. Beyoncé probably doesn’t even know how much her housekeepers make she’s probably so far removed. That’s absolutely mind boggling.
Yes, I’ve always thought it odd that Jezebel doesn’t really cover queer culture from a woman’s perspective. This is something that’s needed.
I think you’ve misunderstood what Bloodfiend was saying. OP wasn’t saying “women should write more about gay men”. OP was saying “on a website that’s geared to women maybe we should have less talk about cis gay men and their sexual proclivities, and more talk about queer spaces that are inclusive of those that…
I’m always surprised how poorly written her “official statements” are. She admittedly writes them herself and it’s shocking to me that nobody’s thought to pull her aside and tell her to have someone edit them.