
20 bucks says that Luanne’s team released that statement to make it sound like he was just ~too overwhelmed~ by her fame and jet-setting lifestyle.

Omg this is not a drill!!!!!!

Falcons Crest or GTFO.

Sean mother fucking Penn.

Wow it’s so rude that you would drop that nugget and not give a name. It can be “allegedly”.

Yeah fuck camping tbh.

Finally someone’s saying what we’ve all been thinking- Pentatonix is garbage and they ruin songs. I can’t tell you how many people have tried to sway me into loving them but I can’t on accounr of them being bad.

I think that’s what they’re hoping for dude.  

Dish!!! We want the scoop!!!

Um, yeah- every single one of them that I met would have loved this shit. They were all super competitive with one another. I think they’ll have plenty of women to choose from.

I caught a marathon home sick one day. One of the brides had a shoeless beach wedding and she and all her girls were in homemade tutus. The reception was beers and delivered pizza and bonfires. She was super bohemian and you could tell everyone in attendance was having a blast. I remember thinking “oh this is my kinda

Honesty a coworker got married and she and all her sorority sisters got married within a 3 month period. Like 10 of them.

I’m anxious to see how all the Bernie bros and Libertarian dudes feel about this. They never shut up about legalization. I’m just curious to see how they feel about it now that it’s been proposed by a black guy 🤷🏻‍♀️

I can’t even imagine the real story here. The poor woman.

Fucking thank you!!!

Fav doughnut????

Yikes. I can’t help but wonder if she broke her chain from back-peddling so hard?? 🤔

She literally had a column on name recognition alone and that’s saying a LOT in the age of the Internet. Gossip moves quick.

I only hope if I live to be 94 I don’t spend too much time thinking about an old profession. She COULD be doing other things- you’re exactly right.

Honestly it sounds like they were maybe on drugs. That’s the only thing I can think of that would escalate that situation so quickly. It said they came out of a big house party so in addition to alcohol I think their was some other stuff going on.