
That little girl is amazing. And I laughed when the rapping frog came on.

It’s not even a religion thing anymore. These people are preachy over everything. If they really followed their religion they would know that they should never judge people, and they should help others. But do they ever do that? No.

my stance on the death penalty is not contingent on what the convict has done. There are no “but they made Baby Jesus cry” exceptions.

One, it’s “ideologue,” and secondly, many Western nations have come to the conclusion that the death penalty reflects poorly on a civilized society regardless of how “deserving” a criminal is.

Well, NOW what am I going to do with the 2,305 Confederate flags I bought on Amazon with the intention of turning a profit on Ebay?

Just this:

“He’s a man in a position of power with outdated social ideas that will restrict and hinder women in the industry.”

Say the people who have never met him and never worked with him. The women who HAVE worked with him? They say the opposite. In fact, they have been pouring out in his defense.

Arbitrary claim vs fact.


Lesson : don't make lady bits jokes at a conference full of women. They can't take a fucking joke.

Couldn’t agree more. Never mind he never had received a complaint regarding any gender based harassment in his career, and counted numerous women coworkers and students among his defenders who criticized the comment but also stated it wasn’t at all representative of his professional behavior. Nope, Gawker and other

No, I think they were a good reminder that women should be treated as equal to men in STEM fields, because they are. But I don’t think a Nobel Laureate should be fired because of a slightly off color joke he made.


Right, she was saying, “It’s not tone policing when I do it.”

Actually did just that earlier today.. I asked one of the black guys that works in our warehouse if he could pull an order for me. He said “Yessa Boss.”.. I said “Actually, it’s Master.”

The struggles faced by women (especially white women) have absolutely zero comparison to those faced by blacks.

“ In the case of Tim Hunt, they think the scientist should be put back in his old job because it’s OK for him to declare publicly that he discriminates against an entire class of his colleagues, at a professional event being held in those colleagues’ honor. But none of those colleagues should be allowed to make fun of

If Hunt said he was joking and Newitz said she didn’t believe him, isn’t THAT Tone Policing? Fuck this newspeak.

The problem I see is when internet outrage argument styles start to creep into real-life conflict.

All shames are equal!

“He was essentially telling these women that he didn’t think they should work in science.”