That little girl is amazing. And I laughed when the rapping frog came on.
That little girl is amazing. And I laughed when the rapping frog came on.
It’s not even a religion thing anymore. These people are preachy over everything. If they really followed their religion they would know that they should never judge people, and they should help others. But do they ever do that? No.
Well, NOW what am I going to do with the 2,305 Confederate flags I bought on Amazon with the intention of turning a profit on Ebay?
Just this:
“What are we doing here guys? Guys?”
Man. It has to be a real bummer dating someone for money. Who would have thought that relationship was not going to even handed?
it’s also believable that Hugh Hefner pitted the women that lived with him against each other and emotionally manipulated them to get what he wanted.
So she willingly stayed to play his typical games of triangulation, he’s pissed she’s talking about. He’s also annoyed that a woman who was obviously only fucking him in order to further herself/her career/make bank is using her time with him to further herself/her career/make bank.
To any people out there who doubt that America is almost as racist now as it was during the times of slavery, I highly recommend stepping out of your comfort zone and picking up this book. As a white guy, I’ve always hated the focus on race in this country, but I never knew how deeply-rooted racism was in our…
Jay Smooth has one of the best responses to Rachel Dolezal that I have seen. Worth a watch:
No one’s perfect and there might not be anything the church can do to atone for that scandal. But this and the climate change pronouncements are big deals. Let’s take what we can get.
Can we all decide to be sick of Taylor Swift now? The friend and mansion collecting. The status whoring. The white-girl feministing. The boy-toying. Enough.
So in the first 7 mins we got tragedy, potential alcoholism, and gluten free promotion. I’m here for it.
Sounds like it's almost like, we want to be able to ogle all the hot actresses who don't get the part. So if someone comes in who is terrible and boring, at least we get to look at boobs.
I’m not sure mine is negging either, so I will follow your lead.
“You know, I usually like really skinny, pretty Barbie doll types, but I really like you. You are so real and low maintenance. I like how you don’t put so much into your appearance. You’re so real.” After I had spent 2 hours getting ready for this date...
Lifetime NPR listener here, and not a Kardashian fan, but the interview was seriously NBD. She was pretty charming, actually. When I read all the comments on NPR’s Facebook page I was pretty appalled. WWDTM has interviews like this all the time with celebrities of the moment.
It’s not in this article but the reason the $10 bill is being changed is because it is due to be done. It needs upgraded anti-counterfeit measures unlike the $20.