
Depending on what the key ingredients are that you’re willing to throw down the big bucks for, you can actually by them direct from bulk sellers and mix em yourself. This works really well for serums, which are generally oils with some antioxidants thrown in. For pure oils and other natural ingredients, the site “from

Everyone needs to calm down about this. They mostly cut the move out of the program because of clickbait stories like this. Just let them skate!

Lol no.

Is there more about why she’s singling out Picasso? He definitely gives off a misogynist vibe but are there stories from women who came forward with their experiences?

Eeeep! Sounds like something is definitely there. I have no advice because it’s starting to happen to me too :|

I love them and I love that this happened... but damn it’s hard to listen to!

Kelly, my North and South re-watches are also reaching uncomfortable levels. What is next for us? What petition can we start for more thoughtful Victorian literary dramas? Who will save us???

Two thirds of her instagram posts are ads. It’s too much, girl! She should talk with Keeks about the importance of not diluting her brand.....

You had me until c’nt whistle


Has clickbait journalism spawned clickbait academia?

Prepare for lots of self-congratulation from Hollywood on resolving its culture of abuse.

Ugh could they not have used real misteltoe instead of that plastic and wire garbage??? Hours spent photoshopping Gwen but no one could go to a florist and buy an actual plant? No one?

Guys did Chuck Bass write this pilot?


I feel like I know more about PH from this than from anything else ever.


Alert: Harry has been a fox since approx 2003

What ass?

There have been lots of blind items about her body double/stunt woman filmed almost the entire movie. And the promotional photos are the body double with her face photoshopped on....