
You approve the leaks of credit can and social security numbers of regular people that did nothing wrong??

Even is this were the case, what good does it do to expose innocent people’s private details?

Oh you have some special insight into this? You have some information you want to share about how corrupt they are? Or, perhaps, like so many others, you assume that since the Clintons have been accused of so many things (and not found guilty of anything but covering up a sexual relationship) surely there must be some

Honor chair is basically a participation medal. Eva Longoria held the same position for Obama’s 2012 campaign. It was an act meant purely to help her ease out of a position of power while maintaining some dignity.

Would you like to cite any sources on those corruption claims?

This comment bears no discernible relationship to the article its speaking on. Their concern is very clearly not who the target is, as it does in fact note the worthiness of leaking some of this information, but the total disregard for the privacy of people who have nothing to do with Wikileak’s stated policy goals.