
When I see Trump’s approval ratings hovering around 35%, I want to ask, what the hell is wrong with these 35%?!!!

I mean he’s only human. Who doesn’t turn to mush for Michelle?

He may have a thing for strong black ladies. Remember Condie love?

The thing about the former presidents, from either party, is that I never doubted they loved this country.

He was a terrible president, hands down. I definitely thought he was one of the worst, but i don’t think he was an awful person.

Sidenote, the Obamas and the Bushes are consistently adorable with each other and it warms my cold heart.

I don’t miss him.

I miss George W. Bush.

Can you not right now? Texas is a purple state that goes red because it’s gerrymandered to hell and back. It’s also home to Houston, the most diverse major city in the country, which is also getting hit the hardest.

Wow so brave

Now I want to eat Halo Top and watch Goldfinger!

You kinda look like Toni Collette

Starring for the mask not Halo!

I love it so much I tried to shove it in my piehole before removing my peel-off mask, which saves even more calories. You shut your mouth about my Halo Top.

Right? Like don’t you want to sit around in TX at some fancy, schmancy country club drinking scotch and smoking cigars with other CEO’s, Rex? Why do any actual work? For what? These are your golden years! You don’t want to deal with North Korea. Or China, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Mexico........yeah you want to

I never understood why he took the job. Can’t these rich fuckers just go somewhere and enjoy being rich? God wealth is wasted on the rich.

It still boggles my mind that we’re only six months into this administration. It feels like years. Then again, it’s not surprising that this administration is a shitshow given that Trump is insane and is running it like he ran his business (which went bankrupt multiple times)

Spraying your furniture with vinegar is a good way to get me off of it, too.

My sister tried this with her cat, and it worked at first. Then the cat just started licking it. "Mmmm.. Tangy!"