

I’m with you, I’m on ep 10 or 11 of the podcast, I’ve been amazed by how much time I’ve spent thinking that I couldn’t convict the guy. I couldn’t. I just feel too firmly that there is reasonable doubt. He’s a scummy husband, no question. But I think it’s very possible it was an accident.

I don’t know. I’m not going to claim that he is innocent. But if you’ve read everything about the case and not just the salacious parts that get all the attention then I don’t think most people would be able say with 100% certainty that he’s guilty. He’s definitely a sleazebag and a horrible husband. And that’s really

I’m sorry - I followed this trial closely and there was NO evidence he knew his son was in the car and really nothing to support the prosecutor’s theory that he intentionally killed his son this way.

You know....I don’t think I love this. Who is this aimed toward — teachers? Do we think teachers don’t try to intervene with troubled kids? Students? There were students interacting with this kid, and anyway, asking students to police the behavior of “creepy loner weirdos” is how you get bullying. (And I mean, say you

Makes sense. Orthodox Jews are notorious for wanting a conflict free compromise between Israelis and Palestinians protecting the rights of both peoples.

I really object to the assertion that neural networks work like the human brain. They really do not, even if that’s what they aspire to be.

I’m German. You never, ever let your guard down and you never, ever forget your past if you don’t want it to come back.

My fear for you is that she would take over your wedding. Not necessarily with her presence, but your fears of what will happen and how to get around her difficult personality.

As a woman of color, I’m scared shitless of the rise of white nationalism in this country and how it will embolden bullying and hate crimes.

Definitely don’t disagree. They could have said she was bound, which is accurate.

I mean, so long as they keep stuffing the sexual offender registry with people who urinated in public, dangerous offenders are going to keep having some level of plausible deniability as to why they’re on there.

Also, how does a sex offender get a gun?

It also bothered me but it sounds like the deputy was very emotional about what he saw, so I’ll give it a pass.

No need for death penalty, just keep him locked up for longer than 15 fucking years.

The truly amazing thing about this whole campaign (and the 30 years that preceeded it) is how a woman who independent and impartial analysis rates as “somewhat better than the rest of ‘em”, with a 30 year record of public service in which her worst verifiable transgressions are “changed position on various social

“Yeah,” responded Marsh, confident, somehow, that I had just agreed with him.

My dog must think squirrels are magic. He will chase one and the squirrel will run up a tree. He will run 10 feetpast the tree, stop and look around like “where did it go? I was chasing it and then it mysteriously vanished.” He just has no concept of up. It’s funny and kind of sad at the same time because it happens

But the thing is, saying, “Well, even if it isn’t true it’s the sort of thing they’d do” is what Hillary has had to put up with for twenty-five years. Benghazi, Vince Foster, crackpipe Christmas decorations, flinging heavy objects at Secret Service people, secret email servers that leaked information to China,