
Good for Cinemax. I remember the good old of days of watching Night Cap and Emanuel. Just like people, channels have to grow up as well.

Wow, Sookie is terrible.

Worst dungeon ever.

If he can hit once, he can hit twice.

She lost her virginity in the same exact place they showed tonight.

This sounds like Sookie rationalizing.

I actually wanted to watch preseason football instead of this.

Second Aunt Viv.

Iron Stomach shirt. With just "FE" on it.

They didn't review the first season.

Obviously, you're part of Hydra.

That was hilarious. It was a great ice breaker too.

That dudes seems like the brutally honest type. Considering his profession he probably has to go "no filter" all the time and he just can't help himself. Then Nathan shows up with this new persona and couldn't help ripping into him.

Nathan likes a deep Vee and there's nothing wrong with that.

I hope they get some nice picks in the comedy draft. There's a lot of nice funny free agents out there too.

Yeah, he sucks at infiltration.

Zaheer and the Soundbenders.


Oops. Thought that was Oldman's character. My fault.

He wasn't even evil. The only thing he did was react to the situation.