

The Clairvoyant is probably an "elite haxor".

Aiden Turner, he used to be on "All My Children".

This is exactly why network TV sucks because people can't keep up with complicated plots.

He'll be back as Rumple the White.

I don't keep up with the Winter Olympics so it slipped my mind.

What's up with this shit not coming back until March? That's lame.

You could read the book, if you're interested.

Hook's ship can travel between worlds.

All that ending needed was a flying Delorean.

This episode was great. If you don't think so, you should go enroll in Jelly School.

Henry/Pan's acting is just terrible. I hope we get to keep Pan/Henry, I like that kid.

I hope not.

What's the name of the show?

Yeah, they need to Quantum Leap this shit. The real Henry should only show up in mirrors.

Ben & Kate? Let's not say shit we can't take back.

They try to make her seem important and uselful by having her fiddle with a tablet, all the time.

That qualifies her to be a secret agent.

That shit touched that dude in ways we'll never experience in just one lifetime.

I thought Willie might have given Nucky a ricin cigarette for just a short second.