
Yeah as I am not skilled enough to keep the Moran edge on it. I thought about taking it out to have it sharpened, but haven't yet. then again it hasn't needed much sharpening. some honing and light sharpening where I try to keep the shape of the edge.

Or Bengal tigers. 800 lbs of striped death !

Those look kinda cool.

it has basically a "Moran edge"

I would say, this, I have not regretted buying this knife one bit.

Wow you mean all those tweets and people and movie stars holding signs saying "bring back our girls" didn't bring them back....great...now what !

Yes, but you do get what you pay for.

What mass shooting you reading about, oh wait you read in between the lines like the news wants you to making you believe the assailant was armed with automatic weapons and anti-tank rockets and such. Nope, just normal weapons same as the officers carry. They don't need this equipment to deter this type of crime it

I agree, and they are all just waiting to be able to spring them into action. It's sad really.

"It's a lot more intimidating than a Dodge." It's a shame the police feel the need to intimidate the citizens. Perhaps that is a major part of the problem.

I have a stock of incandescent bulbs, but I did buy a cree for my lamps in the family room, but I found that the light they produced did not 'fill' the room like the incandescent bulbs and the light was oddly 'white' and not a warmer lighting. Not a fan.

SpaceX needs to build a cargo rocket that hurls our garbage towards the sun so it will burn it all up _vs_ bury it down here.

I love me some Amazon !

I don't even see how this matters. It's Pat Sajak. It not like this was a tweet from someone with real influence. It amazes me how many people get their knickers in a wad over some tweet by someone on TV like it has major impact in their life. Kind of like all the actors holding "bring back our girl" signs does

Ok now that is funny !

Yeah because only tinfoil hat wearers think/know that their cell phone is being snooped on. No the government is NOT listening in......oh.....wait....

Fish breathe, too many fish in a confined space and they use up all the O2 in the water and suffocate. Not uncommon for corralled fish in a small area. Hence the air pumps on fish tanks.

More fear mongering. Google millimeters in a foot. hint it's 304.8. So I'm thinking one foot in 684 years.....but once you apply the hypothetical feedback numbers we'll all be living in waterworld !!!!! See this is what I love about all the climate change chicken littles. It's getting hotter globally.....17years it

I love that forbes article.