
'Back on New Earth, the kids are acting like general dicks and Clarke is the only responsible one. Clarke stands up and bellows, "Can any of you draw a really good scorpion? No?... I didn't think so, so I'm the leader now, me."'

Man there is MONEY to be made in all this doom and gloom. Guess I need to start a 'solar wind' protection firm. Smells like Y2K all up in here. Money for nothin' chicks for free.

Missed another big 'near death' event....climate change, it's why we can't have nice things.

This is why we can't have nice things.

I wonder what the next, we're doomed thing will be. Asteroids, ozone layer, global warming....I mean climate change, over population, no honey bees, food shortage, drought. Doom and gloom must be big money makers.

I would like to see some studies on this before assuming it was child who had the ability to be vaccinated but their parents chose not to _vs_ those who either cannot afford it in some fashion like perhaps illegals in the country. This article assumes that they only reason there is an outbreak is on children or

So who do I contact about purchasing an apartment or house here ? Seems pretty cool.

Figures....I need a CP 13.

Hopelessly bad. I watched it and somehow I kept watching, hoping for a glimmer of pull me in to want to watch it. But it failed, so many bad scenes, like the doctor who can see the girl and says don't move her, but 1/2 a second prior was not able to see her break the mothers neck. Also remote road and ambulance and

Kinda funny how that works 'eh ?

Why does everyone act like this 'model' or simulation is a fact that is going to happen. Hocum. driven by $$$ research teams for 'climate change' means big money.

I don't understand why this article exists. If you want to see what it is like. Tape your iphone to your dash and drive around. Just wow.

What else did anything think would become of something like this ? It is a logical conclusion on how people will use this tech.


They need to build a building on the outskirts that is just a BIG air filter, sucks air in and distributes clean air outward in the normal air flow cycle.

They do not have it because parallel parking is not that hard.

I disagree that it is a false equivalency. A bit coin is a hunk of computer code, and as such it can have value. And also if you provide a service for money, there is an expectation of service. It doesn't matter if the government recognizes it or not. This is a civil matter not a criminal matter. I am not suggesting

I find it quite amusing how much people fret over the opinions/statements of others, especially actors, you know people paid to lie. It is so empowering to those people to have so many fret over them. Don't people have anything better to do with their time ?

That's true for bitcoin itself and I agree with it. However the exchanges take REAL money in exchange for their service and for bitcoins. It is not just a place where people store them. They buy and sell them to other exchanges trading in REAL currency. So while the bitcoin portion is a "can't have your cake and eat