
All their bluetooth headsets were on the chargers. All that late night MMORPG playing.

I think we should just fit the drones that roam american skies with this tech and take out any targets. If this could detect small arms fire, think about that, drone picks up on someone shooting , and wastes them with an autocannon. Maybe get a couple of his buddies too. safer streets. We wouldn't even need people

Pointless stab at someone, a florist is a private business and not "...public accommodations."

how does this identify what crime you are accused of. "Well your honor, as the artifical dna shows this person was tagged and I identified him as one of the bank robbers." even though in reality the person happened to be near the person when tagged and was 'splashed by the material, or the person after being 'tagged'

Lol, nice troll.

Agreed, I had a 900 when it first came out, and honestly holding the two side by side, it wasn't much of a difference. When I hold my daughters iP5 it feels fake. Once WP8 really takes off, all the others better look out.

All kidding aside. I expect them to expand it out. If you know anyone with a nokia device and have seen it, it really is a nicely done. But I believe Nokia Maps is available to WP8 devices. Which is equally nice.

Which is why it's GREAT ! :)

You win. and I AGREE completely with this sentiment. Grow the F up and stop whining.

Why do actors and has-beens think their leaving a country will do any kind of change, they're so individually important in a nation of millions that their opinion matters more ? If that were true, why doesn't she just say she's leaving because of taxes. le sigh, the sense of entitlement of some people.

Nokia drive is so good I don't feel this as a loss at all. in fact I don't have single google product installed on my 920. It makes no sense to me TBH but whatever.

Ahh people never cease to disappoint me.

"It's not about quantity, it's about quality and brand names"


PLEASE. There are PLENTY of apps, and before you get on the iOS has xxxx apps, I have yet to find a need I didn't have an app for. And the Nokia apps for it are AMAZING. yeah we don't have 30K in flashlight apps to bump our numbers but the apps there work and look great.

As a 920 owner, and a previous 900 owner, I honestly don't notice that much of a weight difference. I guess if you compare to an iP5 then yeah it's heavy. Great phone if its weight is the reason you're not getting on, you're making a mistake IMHO.

Who is to say the apocolypse was a mass destruction one. I would think constant double sub zero temps for a year or two planet wide would fall into the realm of non-destructive (by destructive I mean asteroid of nuclear holocast.....cataclysm if you will). Train would still work though in sub Z.

Oh man I remember the vehicle but what was the show ?

*disclaimer* I do not use instagram

They failed because the were just TOO underpowered. And if you think about it, most tablets are netbooks with detachable keyboards. But having owned a netbook. It was simply too slow, just opening a browser was a test of patience. I say good riddance. Did the netbooks advance us to tablets ? Maybe, but to be honest