
Im saying I’m sorry you’re like this.

Plus, the interior still looks like a robot exploded in it.

There was, then the Great Recession hit.

Yes, Utes are everywhere in Australia. They are essentially pick up trucks. Toyota makes a proper pickup truck there but, it’s only a bit bigger than a Tacoma.



Sorry, obligatory:

Trade is good because it helps the economy. The economy is good because it helps humans. But if you do something bad for humans to help trade, that’s stupid. At the end of the day, it’s all there to improve quality of life and the experience of living.

Judging from the way he released the clutch, max RPM, dump clutch, idle. I’d say he’s never ridden a bike before in his life, 2, or 4 stoke.

Yep. No one is allowed to do anything without some moron giving their opinion about why the other person sucks.

So the cover photo had the perfect recommendation, but none of the experts actually recommended it?! BMW Z3!

Bless your heart.

That’s categorically untrue. It also depends on how and WHEN you define shareholder value. Right now - shareholder value is mostly about dividends and day to day value.

Just here to see (my fellow) left wing friends reading the phrase “neoliberal”, having no clue what it means, and getting butt hurt about it.

All so I can feel manly commuting to work?

This list reads like someone who really liked Gran Turismo 3 and 4

It isn't magical, it has to have grade. If you raise or lower one part you either put in an expensive and maintenance intensive pumping staition or you adjust the grade of the ENTIRE pipe. Or, dumbasses could pay attention and go around the low assed bridge.

I do modal testing, with is the measurement of the motion of various points on an actual part. The data looks like a star system having having an stroke. It is the matter of minutes to make a wireframe that clearly shows what is happening (literally just play connect the dots). But everyone wants a 3D solid model of