Oh I feel for the crew, thankfully they are all safe. The rich coal baron that owns that? fuck him.
Oh I feel for the crew, thankfully they are all safe. The rich coal baron that owns that? fuck him.
I take pleasure in it. Seeing the rich minorly inconvenienced is one of the few pleasures I can afford in life
Every billionaire is a policy failure.
The owner is one Gennady Ayvazyan, a Russian coal trader (and probably a douchebag).
People who own yachts did not achieve success honestly.
Ah yes, more folks are working and have a bit more money than they have in 30+ years so now inflation is our fault. Not the price gouging and stock buy backs, or the PPP loan forgiveness, it’s the regular folks who’ve been scraping by for decades.
Should void the warranty for every set of Loud Pipes
Just make them drink the water
Follow up question, how many other alarms has the company ignored, both literal and HR related? From the various plants I’ve worked on, safety and protocol tends to either get followed closer than religion or it looks more like this company. Either way, being driven by the attitude of local management.
Between 4:59 and 7:46 p.m. on July 29, the tank operator overrode the waste treatment alarms 460 times, or about once every 20 seconds, according to the notice. Another “high level” alarm was recorded at 11 p.m
“Yeah, we now live in a theocratic dictatorship but gas is down to $3 a gallon so I’m cool with that. All hail Dear Leader!”
It was even cheaper when Nixon was President.
But if we could cut their taxes a little more, they could add 50 ft to their yacht and hire another maid, for a real win for the middle class.
There’s a really odd segment of moderates out there who, no matter what, will bend over backwards to completely ignore the massive overreach of one entire political party while instead seeking out the most mundane non-issue on the other side just to prove their “It’s just politics as usual” mantra.
If you were intelligent enough, you would realise what a dumb ass take you had. There was nothing intelligent about you opinion.
Isn’t the byline of this site Drive Free or Die? Controlling the freedom of movement of Americans is pretty relevant to that interest.
Fuck you leave.
This is only divisive if you’re a misogynist piece of shit
first of all.... car site or not. human rights are at stake here. they’ve already started stripping women of their rights, and are questioning everyone’s right to freely travel from state to state.