I think NYC should embrace this and make it into an annual fund-raising event. Have interested contestants enter a lottery to pick 10 people to do the race. Have them sign waivers, set a date and time, make the appropriate traffic closings, etc. Use the proceeds to fund a charity, or scholarships, etc.
Alex Jones does not deserve to have functioning biomechanisms. There is no punishment severe enough for him. He and his ilk have ruined this nation.
Use the website. Give detailed descriptions (make/model, indicate whether it it FWD, RWD, AWD/4WD) location, and maybe even directions from a main road if possible. Hell give them GPS coordinates if you have to.
The far right knows all of this. If more POC die from pregnancy complications, then they see that as a benefit.
1. This article cuts to the CORE of what Jalopnik is about: Drive Free or Die. Can’t do that if states are restricting freedom of movement.
Blue on blue violence?
I don’t hate this nearly as much as I thought. In fact I love the concept. The design is overly busy, though, inside and out.
The Majority of America is no longer in control. Thanks to gerrymandering, voter intimidation, widespread propaganda, the electoral college, and outright lies from the Republican party if they lose, Democracy itself is on its last legs.
Thousands. Thousands? BFD.
In many states, child molesting rapists have more rights than women. Some of them have even run for office.
And yet they are against immigration, which also depletes the “labor force.”
I would pay money not to drive this.
The phrases “domestic supply of infants” and “victory for white life” tell you everything you need to know. They need white babies for the adoption industry. Babies are a commodity, and white babies are more profitable.
The Republican party is wholly corrupt and has drifted towards the textbook definition of fascism and authoritarianism. In the last few decades, it was more of a jump, than a drift.
Don’t bet on that. He might be tired of Ginni’s shit, and decide to fuck everyone else over for his own personal gain. Never underestimate the capacity of evil that these people have.
Their criticisms are totally valid. Musk is a loose cannon who does has become a liability to Tesla and Space-X.
I’d bet money that’s exactly what happened. They realized they were in danger of losing their jobs, so of course they claimed they were pressured.
“North Carolina’s own Republican governor has called for a 50 percent reduction in vehicle emissions in the state...”
I hope they prosecute. If they don’t they will effectively give the radical right wing permission to do this again.