Bubba Fett

I feel like drivers licenses are handed out WAY too easily. The entire training, testing, licensing, and renewal system needs to be revised.

Train now, or “Train!!!” later.

If parts are available. MTD was notorious for discontinuing parts or slightly altering them to force people to buy new mowers instead.

Canuck-bucks is the official currency, I believe.

His original body was in far worse shape, which is why he transferred his consciousness to a cloned one in 1994

Volvo going public means they will have to answer to shareholders, who typically have short term gains, and not the company’s best interest, in mind. I hope they know what they are doing.

He should be charged with attempted murder at the very least.

And rightly so. A mass murderer shouldn’t get to choose the livery of such an icon.

Plot Twist: This was filmed in reverse.

Free car. Needs a little body work.

Had one of these. “Nice” is a very generous term.

All this could have been prevented if lazy shoppers would simply put the carts in the little corrals. All grocery/department stores should follow Aldi’s quarter solution.

He knowingly withheld life-saving information because he didn’t want to look bad. That makes him a mass murderer by omission of action.

Trump is the kind of guy that would get into a staring contest with the sun, go blind, and claim he won because everything is dark now.

1st Gear: More like he saw that the whole thing was a pipe dream and he bounced for a job at a real car company.

This is one of those times when a concept car should have stayed a concept can, and we should have got this instead:

This would have worked if the team was called the “Towers”.