Bubba Fett

Nice Price. It’s a little worse for wear, but it’s fixable. The Fiero is an underrated, quirky car that deserves more love.

The kids that did this need to be kicked off the team and expelled from school publicly, at the very least.

It not the number of babies they are worried about. It’s the number of white babies that concerns them. 

And nothing looks better in picture format than text!!

Possibly. More ad revenue.

This, and your follow ups, are incredibly stupid statements. Everyone who has read them is now dumber because of it.

This is a cult. They are not going away. They are digging in. They are taking even more extreme stances.

Oh yeah.

He is gearing up for a 2024 run. Moscow Bitch McTurtle said he would back him. States across the nation are trying to push legislation to make it harder to vote.

This, in USPS livery would look great.

This is a shit design. This is yet another attempt to sabotage the US. Postal service.


It looked cool. The body looked a bit Camaro, a bit Mustang, and a bit DeLorean.

JD more or less has a monopoly on the really big equipment. But for “regular” tractors, there’s always Lamborghini.

Anyone else notice that Ted and Heidi kinda look alike? Very similar features. I wonder if they are secretly related.

This would totally work, especially of the Tesla version was only available in white, black or grey, and a stripped interior.

Ted Cruz realized how useless he is and decided to leave the country.

I used to drive an old Ford Taurus with a broken gas gauge. I later had an Explorer with the same problem. I always filled them up and reset the trip odometer, having calculated the miles it should be able to go per tank.

Repeating what I said over at Jezebel:

He was always a piece of shit. He, and people like him are the reason this nation is so polluted with fascist dick-bags who hate everyone that doesn’t look like their reflection, and the reason useless bastards like Ted Cruz and donald trump got elected.