Bubba Fett

I’d trade this for a good microphone.

The right constantly runs on fear. They always say things like “if the Dems get in power they will take your guns, take your jobs, and take your homes. They will install death panels, kill all of your children and force you to eat bad tofu.”

The virus will probably get board and leave.

He will probably become a commentator/host on OANN.

They swore an oath the the constitution, not to the President.

You couldn’t make this stuff up. This administration has been a total shit-show from beginning to end.

This made me tear up.

OMG that’s hilarious. 

Sometimes witnessing history sucks.

She should be offered a cabinet position, IMO.

Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Dear trump,

Part of me wants it to happen exactly like that in front of dozens of live feed cameras.

That face may have been designed to resemble a particular alien species, to make them feel more comfortable interacting with it. It looks weird to us, but a 3Po-Series would look weird to them.

Wait, booger-loos are traitors? Shocking!

Yes, that’s correct. I’m tired and suffering from crisis fatigue.

The senate is gerrymandered to hell. It’s extremely difficult to get a D majority.

Exactly. They have nearly always taken forever to get everything counted. Something is not right.

Florida went red and stayed red suspiciously quick IMO. I’m thinking DeJoy was pretty successful there.

Biden needs to go after him and all other trump enablers HARD. Throw the book at them all and ask for the maximum penalties.